Monday, 29 April 2013

NEW for RUSHOLME: Sewing Bees

Rusholme Sewing Bees

Free craft and sewing class, customise and upcycle your old clothes, make gifts and toys, learn fabric printing, embroidery techniques and much more, with artist Caroline Coates.

The workshops are every Monday starting 13th May to 22nd July (exc Bank Holiday), 10am - 12 noon at Trinity House Community Resource Centre, Grove Close off Platt Lane, Rusholme, M14 5AA.

It is free, no need to book, just turn up.

Any questions call 07913 540680.

May film showing: THE ARTIST

The Spring Picnic!
SUNDAY 19th MAY, 5.30pm doors open for 6pm start
Imagine Tatton Park classical concerts…now think Birch Community Centre…bring along some food, a picnic rug and enjoy the feature film.
The Artist (2011, 100 mins, PG)

A modern day classic- a silent film made in 2011 and Academy Award winning for Director, costume and film score performed by the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra. And if there was a category for best animal, the Jack Russell would be unrivalled.

Rusholme U-Decide Event- closing date 17th May 2013

Rusholme U-Decide 2013

The Rusholme U Decide Event will take place on Monday 10 June 2013 at Trinity House Community Resource Centre, Grove Close, off Platt Lane, Rusholme  M14 5AA at 6.00pm.

The U-Decide event gives the Rusholme community a chance to decide on projects they feel will benefit their community - and the Council will fund those chosen.

At this stage we are looking for project proposals to be submitted by Friday 17th May 2013.

To ensure this event is successful  we need as many projects put forward as possible. Please can you help me by putting the flyer up in focal points and circulating to all of your networks.

For more information and an application form please contact Elayne Holt:
Elayne Holt
Regeneration Ward Officer  (Rusholme)

Manchester City Council
Central Regeneration Team
7th Floor, Alexandra House
2 Southcombe Walk, Hulme
Manchester. M15 5NX

External Tel:  0161 455 1134
Internal Tel :  811 1134
Mobile:  07940 780 561