Friday, 22 February 2013

Birch Health Walks

Also, with the weather starting to feel more like Spring, how about enjoying a local walk? The Birch Health Walks take place at 1pm on the 3rd Monday of the month. Join the friendly group outside Birch Community Centre on Brighton Grove.  Please bring a drink and some snacks.

The walks will be a gentle, strolling pace on even ground with opportunities to rest or to walk a little further. The walk will include lots of chat and discussion about nature, wildlife, community history and more.

For more information please contact Jane Morris on 07827 980 684 or

Future showings....

The February film showing was well attending and thank-you for your donations towards the refreshments and running costs- £44 was raised.

Rusholme Film Club is a local and friendly film club showing a variety of films including classics, latest DVD releases, world cinema and more using a project and screen. The film showing is free with refreshments available for a charge- all proceeds go to fund future showings.

The Film Club will take place on every 3rd Sunday of the month, 5.30 doors open for a 6pm start at The Birch Community Centre, Brighton Grove, M14 5JT.

The next film is on Sunday March 17th, St.Patrick’s Day…the film will be Waking Ned and those who want a little bit more, we will be heading to Hardy’s Well pub on Wilmslow Rd/Dickenson Rd for a after film social. No need to book, just turn up.

Future showings: Sunday April 14th (NOTE THIS IS NOT THE USUAL 3rd SUNDAY DATE)…an eco-climate theme, with the film tbc and speakers from local groups.
Sunday May 19th…something different for Spring and Summer. Think Tatton Park’s outside classical concerts- a picnic at the film club but indoors. Bring along some food to share, maybe a rug and enjoy The Artist- a modern day silent film with Academy Award winning film score and costumes.
Contact: Rich Browning on 07913 540680 or

Facebook: Rusholme Film Club or Blog:

Thursday, 7 February 2013

See the link below for info on a film showing organised by the Manchester Climate group:

On Monday 25th February Mancunians will come together to watch the classic 1970s film “Soylent Green”, starring the late great Charlton Heston. Following the film they will discuss its relevance to Manchester’s future while drinking beer and wine at the Sandbar on Grosvenor St (2).