Friday, 28 February 2014

'Good Vibrations' at Rusholme Film Club

Rusholme Film Club is celebrating St.Patrick’s Day with the fantastic film ‘Good Vibrations’, set in Belfast in the 70’s.

Sunday 16th March, 5.30 doors open for 6pm start.

Film critic Mark Kermode has said he wants everyone to see the Belfast-made indie feel good flick Good Vibrations as he lavished praise on the blossoming Northern Ireland film industry.

He loved it so much it was his film of the year, winning the sought after ‘Kermode Award’!

So come along, meet some friends and watch this great film at Rusholme Film Club- the frindly way to watch a film!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Rusholme Film Club - Sunday 16th February

The next Rusholme Film Club showing is the acclaimed ‘The Artist’ on Sunday 16th February, 5.30pm doors open for 6pm start. The film is free with refreshments available for a donation.

At the Birch Community Centre, Brighton Grove, Rusholme Manchester M14 5JT

For more information contact Rich Browning t: 07913 540680

Twitter: HMHCmcr

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Rusholme Film Club special event

The next Rusholme Film Club showing celebrates Chinese New Year and is part of Manchester's Hate Crime Awareness Week.

The events starts at 4pm with a mental health consultation workshop, providing local people with the opportunity to influence the redesign of Manchester's mental health services. Then we enjoy some nice food and some short presentations about Hate Crime, followed by the 'Eat Drink Man Woman' by Ang Lee.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

January correction!

Please note the next Rusholme Film Club is Sunday 26th January NOT February as the previous blog entry. I am putting together a programme for an extended event as part of Race Hate Awareness Week. More to come soon.

The film is Eat Man Drink Woman- 

Happy New Year and hope to see you soon!

For more information contact Healthy Me Healthy Communities, Rich Browning:

T: 07913 540680

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Thanks to everyone who has supported Rusholme Film Club during the year. We are back on Sunday 26th January to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Until then, Merry Christmas and a peaceful new year!

Sunday, 1 December 2013


5.00pm Tuesday 10th December 2013

Manchester - Lecture Theatre 3, Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M15 6LL

'one of the most powerful films ever made in this country' - The Guardian

Screening of 'Injustice', a multi-award winning and internationally renowned documentary by film-maker Ken Fero. 

'Injustice' is a film about the struggles for justice by the families of those that have died in police custody. 

Why did the police try to censor this film? Why have UK broadcasters such as the BBC and Channel 4, refused to screen it? These questions and more will be answered in what has been described as the most politically controversial film in recent years. 

This film has been screened at the European Parliament, provoking debate, and in the UK the Attorney General was forced to announce a state review into the Crown Prosecution Service. The families of victims of police brutality are using the film as a powerful weapon to demand justice.

After the screening of 'Injustice', Director Ken Fero will be on hand to answer questions from the audience.

Please note this film screening is open to staff, students and members of the public. Entrance is free and will be on a first come first serve basis until the capacity of the lecture theatre is reached.

Hosted by the Department of Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University, in collaboration with the Northern Police Monitoring Project.

Winter in Wartime

And another great poster from our volunteer designer Paul Gallagher. The posters will be soon be available to this space!